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Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association


About Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association

Founded in 1971, the Main Organic Farm and Gardeners Association(MOFGA) has grown from a loose affiliation of farmers and gardeners committed to growing healthy, chemical free food, to an internationally recognized advocate for food production that enhances and protects the ecological as well as economic vitality of rural communities. While MOFGA's key constituency consists of farmers and gardeners, MOFGA helps food producers of all kinds adopt organic practices. One of the oldest and largest organic organizations in the country, MOFGA has over 4,000 individual, family and business members and possesses extensive education, research and policy experience on a complete range of organic as well as non-organic farming and gardening issues. MOFGA's mission is to help farmers and gardeners grow organic food, to protect the environment, and to recycle natural resources; to increase local food production, to support rural communities, and to encourage sustainable farm economies; and to illuminate for consumers the connections between healthful food, environmentally sound farming practices, and vital local economies.
294 Crosby Brook Rd., Unity, ME, 04988


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