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Gaucho Ranch


About Gaucho Ranch

With growing concern with what we eat, where it comes from, and of course how this effects the environment and our health, grass-fed beef has become the healthier alternative to corn and grain fed cattle. Inspired by the Gaucho (South American Cowboy) we are dedicated to providing you with this tasty 100% natural grass fed beef free of antibiotics, hormones and grain from the South American Pampas of Uruguay. Gaucho Ranch beef is lower in cholesterol, higher in beta-carotene, lower in fat, and higher in Omega 3s, and Vitamin E then conventional beef. The cattle roam the grasslands and graze on all natural pastures as much as they need and in a stress free environment. Their partners in Uruguay are a 100 year old family owned farm where Gauchos are still the traditional caretakers of our animals. Their method has been around for centuries before us, not only in Uruguay but all over the world. It is not new, there is no trade secret about our business, and it is as simple as cows eating grass and clovers the way nature intended. It’s better for the environment, better for our families, and it taste delicious. They would be honored if you chose Gaucho Ranch as your grass fed beef provider but even if you don’t, they always strongly recommend you choose grass fed beef for you and your family.
7251 NE 2nd Ave., Loft 113, Miami, FL, 33138


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